Sunday, July 09, 2006


It was days like this that he regretted accepting his role as a brilliant mind. Sometimes, life in school as smart and responsible student really truly--for lack of a better word for it--sucked. It didn't help, of course, that the sky chose that day to rain and his body decided it was time to break down and succumb to a fever. With his entire day stock-full of research work and classes ahead of him, it was all he could do to collapse onto one of the benches in their favorite hang-out and pass out.

It had been a familiar voice chirpily greeting everyone in the room that made him stir. It was the hushed conversations that made him think seriously about getting up. But, it was the gentle hand feeling his forehead that finally got him to open his eyes.

And then he saw an angel.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" said angel spoke in the voice of one of his closest friends.

He blinked. It was either the angel or his friend, it couldn't be both. The illusion faded, he realized that the one sitting beside him with a concerned look on her face was indeed the latter. "Yeah," he muttered as he pushed himself up to a sitting position.

"Your next class starts in a few minutes," she informed him as she sat on the fraction of the bench he had vacated by sitting. She touches his forehead again. "You're a bit clammy to the touch, are you going?"

He turned to her to answer, but was temporarily taken aback by how the morning light decided to make her look ethereal. She patiently waited for his reponse, the worry in her doe eyes so readable. "Yeah," he managed to say as he recanted his earlier statement to himself. An angel or his friend, yes, it could actually be both.


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